Begin your journey here.

Change is different for everyone. It is important to us that you are a voice in your treatment and care process. We're here to support you as you move through life.

New Client Forms

Request Services

After you complete this form, a member of our Access team will reach out to gather more information and get you scheduled.

Consent for Services

Get the ball rolling on your own. Complete our secure intake form with necessary information and consent to services while reading up on what consent is.

Insurance and Financial Intake

ACP Accepts all Medicaid insurance and works with many private or employer sponsored insurance companies. ACP also utilizes a sliding scale, which requires income verification, to help support when insurance does not cover all costs for services.

Information Verification Upload

ACP requires a copy of your insurance information and identification to complete enrollment in services. This link will provide you with a secure space to upload this information to our staff. If you participate in our sliding scale, this is also an area where you can provide income vertification. Simply click "add file" to upload pictures, screenshots, or files relevant to your care.

You have completed all the paperwork for intake and have connected with an Intake Coordinator to get scheduled.

Now What?

Bridge to Care

Have some time before you begin working with a provider or need some resources outside of your session? Please use our Bridge to Care to help you identify community resources, crisis supports, or interventions to try at home.

Patient Packet

Link to Come.

Materials are available here to read about your rights as a client and what to expect as you begin working with providers.

We appreciate the trust you have placed in us to be a support.

Please tell us about your experience with our Client Satisfaction Survey.

Client Satisfaction Survey
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